Friday, September 27, 2013


What I love most about this blog is it might help someone else. It's because of many other blogs out there that I am feeling pretty good about what to expect and most important what I need to prepare. As a married mother of 3 (14 , 13 and 9 year old) I want to do the best I can to make it as easy as possible for my family.  There were quite a few suggestions I have read that I would have never thought about otherwise.  Things like a shower stool, pads for your crutches, a bag attachment to carry your items rather than a purse, slip on shoes (because you won't be able to tie them for a while) and applying for a temporary disabled parking tag are some big ones for me. So today I stopped to get my "surgical prep kit" and submitted paperwork to complete for FMLA leave and the parking permit and will be going to get some of the other items this weekend so I can start practicing with my crutches. I'm pretty clutzy on a normal day - throwing crutches in there is downright dangerous, so I need all the practice I can  get

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