Wednesday, October 2, 2013

12 days and counting

It seems like it is taking forever to get here and on the other hand I keep having 2nd thoughts. Is this going to help and make the pain go away?  I have had a few good days recently and have thought about "postponing" it again. But I know it will always return.  Today is not a good day. Walking funny and deep deep burning and pain. I  just need to commit!  I think weather affects it too.  My husband had spinal fusion  several years back  and we have resided to the fact that he will never be pain free - but the goal is to have more good days than bad days.  I think that is my goal too!  The doctor warned me that it would likely be a full year before I feel recovered but definitely at least 4-6 months before I feel good. Sort of depresses me that will be APRIL....

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